What do you expect from life?
[dropcap]A[/dropcap] few days ago my friend asked me “What do you expect from life?” Hu, what kind of question is this? At that time I just ignore that and left it with some smile. After the all day work tackling the traffic and pollution of Kathmandu I came to my room. After having a dinner it was the time for bed. All of a sudden my mind strikes with that question, “What do you expect from life?“
[su_pullquote align=”right”]life turns out to be unexpected on various fronts. You are living. That’s the greatest gift ever. What else do you want from life? Don’t sit and expect anything from life.[/su_pullquote]
On the same night, I forwarded the question to my few colleagues and waited for the answer. Some of the answers were like this:
– “Ha-ha…What a question actually no expectation because I know there won’t be any miracle in your life to achieve anything or fulfilled your dream you have to do hard work.”
– “Happiness of mine and family”
I got more curious and asked same to my father. With a mild smile, he asked, “Have you heard the line of Bhagwat Geeta?” I nodded my head, yes but why? He said, there is line
You have the right to work only
but never expects to its fruits.
Let not the fruits of action be your motive.
Nor let your attachment be to inaction.
So stop expecting, start acting.
We meet someone and fall in love. We taste some unknown dishes and want to keep its recipe. Someone wanted to discover a something but ended up discovering other. So life turns out to be unexpected on various fronts. You are living. That’s the greatest gift ever. What else do you want from life? Don’t sit and expect anything from life. Don’t let anyone stop you from achieving what you desire. Biggest asset you have is your life because it’s yours and only you can create happiness for yourself. Life without ups and downs is not worth as one cannot enjoy the good moments unless he’s been through the bad ones.
Life is a beautiful mystery packed with emotions, and there is no fun in it if you spend it wondering what’s next. Life is to live and learn and grow with each given day.
Expect from Life? Or expect for life?
This question has prompted us to think about what we expect life to give us. What if, for a second, we consider what we actually give to life?
I have heard the popular song from the 90’s by a group called the New Radicals entitled ‘You get what you give’. Happiness and fulfillment are about what we can give to others instead of trying to take for ourselves. When you do something for a reason outside of yourself, you get a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. What do you expect from life? The opportunity to help someone else?
These words from my dad motivate me. I got the courage to fulfill my dreams. It sounds funny but by the end, I have already forgotten what the question was. Don’t know I got my answer or not but I am fully convinced.
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