
Dream eluded

 I thought even an innocent child is sustaining his life by hawking packets of sweets. Curiously I asked him, “Don’t you like going to school?”   Struggle for Survival. A small boy, probably around 10 years old was roaming around Chakrapath with packets of sweets. I was standing on the side of the road, waiting for…

father's bicycle

My father’s Bicycle

I don’t know when my father started riding a bicycle. But I am sure that, this bicycle is as old as my father. It was my daily routine to wait for my father every evening knowing that he will keep me in his bicycle and take me to the ride. That was one of my happiest moment of…

What do you expect from life?

What do you expect from life?

A few days ago my friend asked me “What do you expect from life?” Hu, what kind of question is this? At that time I just ignore that and left it with some smile. After the all day work tackling the traffic and pollution of Kathmandu I came to my room. After having a dinner it was the time for bed. All of a sudden my mind strikes with that question, “What do you expect from life?”