Proposal Writing for Thesis

[dropcap]N[/dropcap]ow, here is the time for starting our thesis paper. But before writing the thesis is necessary to write the proposal. I am in the process of writing a thesis proposal for my Master Degree. For me, Proposal writing for Thesis in Master Degree became the matter of a headache at first. It had to be 20-25 pages long, and I even don’t know the format of writing.

Before, I found myself stuck because I don’t have any idea starting thesis proposal. I haven’t done it before. There is so much information on the internet and the way of writing seems different from person to person. So I found many directions in which I could take my research, that it was challenging to nail down one project that would have a high chance of success. For many of us, the main problem we need to face is a selection of topic. Being the student of sociology topic doesn’t have any boundary. The topic is around us. Just select the topic that is convenient for you. Don’t try to make it vague. 

After many discussions with my supervisor, I finally selected a topic that was a great learning experience for me and also had a relatively high chance of success. Here I am not talking about the topic that I have selected. But I am somehow trying to provide you guidance for starting the proposal writing for the thesis, especially for Student of Master of Arts in Sociology

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Here I am showing the format of Proposal writing. I am writing this with the table of contents so that you can be more clear. You can also click the Download button below to download sample of proposal writing with front page design. So are you ready? Here we go.

Proposal Writing format 



1.1 Background of the Study                                                        Page Number

1.2 Statement of the problem                                                       Page Number

1.3 Objectives of the Study                                                            Page Number

1.4 Organization of the Study                                                       Page Number

1.5 Limitation of the Study                                                           Page Number

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW                                                   

2.1 Theoretical review                                                                    Page Number

2.2 Empirical review                                                                      Page Number

2.3 Policy Review  (Conditional)                                                 Page Number

2.4 Conceptual Framework                                                          Page Number

CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                                        

3.1 Selection of the Study Area                                                    Page Number

3.2 Research Design                                                                       Page Number

3.3 Nature and Sources of Data                                                   Page Number

3.4 Sampling Procedures                                                              Page Number

3.5 Data Collection Tools and Techniques                                Page Number

3.6 Data Analysis and Interpretation                                         Page Number

References                                                                                        Page Number

Survey Questionnaire                                                     


Topography for Writing Proposal and Thesis

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Download Sample of Proposal Writing in Doc Format.  

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